St Aidan's Community School

Alumni Wall 2024.

Alumni Wall 2024.

St. Aidan's students go on to do great things when they leave us after 6th year. We are so proud of so many of our wonderful past pupils who have gone on to succeed in their chosen fields of work or study. This year , 2023/2024, as part of marking our 40th anniversary, we are hoping to work on the establishment of an Alumni Union and improve our already existing Alumni wall in the school. We have many people working in our school who are past pupils and indeed, our new Chairperson of the Board of Management, Mr Keith O'Connor, is a past pupil. We would like to hear from more people. Mr O'Brien will be leading this project. Ms McDonnell will be involved also due to her links with former students. Contact the school for further details on this exciting project.

Below are a few of our past pupils but if you would like to be featured on this page or simply let us know how you are getting on and where you are working or studying now please contact us on, we would love to hear from you!

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Robbie Keane

Keith O Connor- CPL Recruitment and member of the SACS BOM.


Megan Butler- Studying Midwifery in Trinity College Dublin

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Clinton Apos- Studying a Masters in Law and Finance in Trinity College Dublin


Adas Navikauskas-Amazon


Emeka Congo-Studying Arts at University College Dublin


Fuad Sule, Footballer, Larne.

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Ola Adeyamo, Footballer, Longford.


Shane Harvey- Studying Commercial Modern Music (BA) at BIMM/ TU, Dublin


Ehita Idemudia-Studying Radiography at University College Dublin


Christelle Bekombo-Teacher in Le Cheile Secondary School


Jacob Ebeneezer-Studying Science in University College Dublin
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St Aidan's Community School,
Dublin 24,

01 452 4677

© 2024 St Aidan's Community School