St Aidan's Community School

Check and Connect

Check and Connect

“Student Wellbeing is present when students realise their abilities, take care of their physical Wellbeing, can cope with the normal stresses of life, and have a sense of purpose and belonging to a wider community. (NCCA Wellbeing Guidelines 2017, pg 17). The goal of Wellbeing in education is human flourishing for all. When children and young people are ‘flourishing’ they are not only curious and eager to learn, they are: creative and imaginative, connected and empathetic, good team players, confident about who they are, resilient and persistent, positive about themselves and see themselves growing into better people.” (NCCA Wellbeing Guidelines 2017, Growing Great Kids pg 11)

Check and Connect is a 4 times weekly tutorial type class for a period of 15 mins. The Wellbeing indicators, such as Active, Responsible, Connected, Resilient, Respected, and Aware, are dealt with during this time between students and their tutors. These indicators highlight what is important for young people and their Wellbeing. Attendance and other school related issues are also dealt with. The relationship between tutor and class group is a very important part of what we do here in St.Aidan’s.

The Check and Connect space is somewhere students can comfortably engage with their tutor on any issue or problem they may be having.

Feb 17
Feb Mid-Term.
Feb 24
School reopens
Mar 06
P/T Meetings,3rd/6th Year.
Mar 17
St.Patrick's Day/Discretionary School Day Off.
St Aidan's Community School,
Dublin 24,

01 452 4677

© 2025 St Aidan's Community School