St Aidan's Community School


The staff of St. Aidan's have worked extremely hard in preparing the school for the return post lock down. Numerous measures, in accordance with government guidelines, have been taken to make sure that every member of our school community is safe. Students were brought back on a staggered basis with a huge emphasis placed on hygiene, respiratory etiquette and safe movement round the building. The classrooms have all been organised to allow for 1 metre social distancing.There is a one way system in operation in the school and there are hand sanitizing units throughout the school as well as in every classroom. Students are encouraged to sanitize on entering and exiting all classrooms. Students must wear face coverings in school at all times unless medically exempt. A wipe down of the area used by the student in the class has also been introduced. We are hoping to trail a designated face mask break area in the coming weeks. A designated Covid-19 isolation room has also been set up.

Students are encouraged to keep social distance and maintain calm on the corridors. A full time cleaner has been employed to make sure that all surfaces are wiped,as best as possible, throughout the course of the school day. The ancillary staff have done Trojan work in getting the school up to standard. There are two Lead Worker Representatives (LWR's) in the school, Ms.Sheehan and Mr O'Brien. Desks and presses had to be removed to make sure all classrooms could be deemed safe. These are unprecedented times but then times change, and we hope to change with them. Appointments in the office are strictly by appointment only. We hope you have found this useful. The policy section of the website will be updated as as soon as possible with all relevant policy details.

HSE Website here
Advise for Students and Parents here
Also, please click here to be redirected to this website for the Guidelines in different Languages.

levels 1-5,covid measures..png

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Fines, jail for non-compliance with face coverings law

Close/Casual Contacts- Helpful Tips here
Covid Test Procedure here
Helpful Video here
Another helpful interesting video on transmission of the virus and how ventilated rooms can help here
Latest Government Info re Level 5 Lockdown info here
More Level 5 info here
New Lockdown Info here
Parental Guide to Close Contacts here
Letter from the CMO here
Latest Guidelines here
Latest Info Re Covid here
Covid Response Plan here
Latest- as of January 2022 here
Public Health Measures advise from the Government here
Public Health Updates here

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St Aidan's Community School,
Dublin 24,

01 452 4677

© 2024 St Aidan's Community School